Hudson's Referral

Our adorable Baby Boy!!!!

The first time we saw Hudson's picture was on February 2, 2007. The picture was possibly taken in the summer when he was about 6 months old. I'm guessing because he is wearing less clothes.

The FedEx man delivered these cute pictures the next day. We think they were taken in the spring or fall of 2006...he is wearing several layers of clothes but not wearing a coat.

We noticed in this picture, he is wearing a different shirt than the one above. It could have been taken on a different day.

Our update photos at 13 months old taken on February 6, 2007....he looks like he wants his Mama.

Can't wait to see you smile!!!!


Hudson Obie Li Bennett

Courteous, Charismatic Adventurer who is Blessed by God and Serves HIM Faithfully!!!

Hudson: Charismatic Adventurer (Hudson Taylor, the missionary to China in the 1900's)

Obie: Serves God Faithfully (Family name)

Li: Courtesy (His Chinese name that they call him.)

Bennett: Blessed by God (Family name)

Joel's sister gave us a Hudson Taylor book at Christmas time 2005. As you know our Hudson was born on Dec 25, 2005...the same time she gave us the book. Also, if you don't know much about Hudson Taylor, do a google search. It's really neat info. Hudson Taylor passed away in Changsha, Hunan China, the Capital City where we will be staying. Changsha is less than an hour from XiangYin, where our Hudson is staying. As BIG as China is, God could have chosen any where for Hudson Taylor to pass away to Heaven and HE chose Changsha.... a place where Hudson Taylor had never been before. He passed away in 1905, 100 years before our baby was born in 2005. Hudson Taylor was an amazing missionary to China and he lead 1000's to the Lord and traveled all over China. His organization, 100 years later, is still growing and serving in China and around the world.

Chinese Name: Luo Li

Meaning of Chinese Name: Luo is the last name or Surname. Luo City is the ancient name of the present day XiangYin City so he was named after the ancient city. Li means Courtesy and this is his special given name. They called him Li Li. We wanted to keep his special Chinese name. When we hold him for the first time, he will come to us with nothing but his special name. We want that name to always be special to him.

Birth date: December 25, 2005

A true Christmas Baby

Favorite Toy: A BALL!!!

Weight: 16.06 lbs at 10 months old

19.9 pounds at 13 months old

Height: 26.6 inches at 10 months old

28 inches at 13 months old

City: XiangYin; Province: Hunan

See a great map of Hunan and find the XiangYin Social Welfare Institute/ Orphanage. It is about an hour north of Changsha the Capital City of Hunan.

We are in love!!!

Click here to see Hudson's Referral Day story.